So natural remedies yeast infection really work?
The short answer is "Yes, they work for many women."
The full answer is "Yes, sometimes they are working. But there is more data on the yeast infection before deciding whether a natural resource that is right for you."
Unfortunately, many requests for Internet marketing companies that have a "natural remedy" that "guarantees" promised to get rid of their current infection and prevent re-done. Most of these funds are in a treatment plan first promoted by Dr. C. Orian Truss Base, Maryland, on the way back to the 1978th ??There are several reasons why health professionals are concerned about these remedies:
First treatments are not for vaginal yeast infections have been created - called promoted as the panacea for a doctor's armor condition was thought that this condition is of a variety of symptoms including lethargy cause "systemic candidiasis". , Fatigue, food cravings, depression, infertility, and vaginal yeast infections, and many others. The theory was that "if you feel well, and your doctor can not find anything, you have Candida."
Second Although this theory was originally written about 29 years ago, never tried any of these symptoms are caused, with the exception of vaginal yeast infections by the yeast Candida. And herbal remedies powerful and complex systems that have never been proven effective in treating these symptoms, including vaginal yeast infections. And they have never been shown to be safe.
Third Funds are "natural" herbal antimicrobial that is - that is, can the beneficial bacteria in the intestines, which are the first line of defense against fungal infections in your body destroyed.
It assumes you can make your beneficial bacteria by eating yogurt or taking supplements to replace it contains live cultures, but the colon is home to over 500 different species of bacteria, and many of them are necessary for your body. Yogurt is replace only one or two of these species, and a new strain of yeast can colonize the intestine, while the population of bacteria is still being rebuilt. This will require some of these herbal remedies can be powerful indeed make your current yeast infection worse instead of better.