Yeast infection is a problem that most people probably will meet at least once in their life. Thrush as baby nail fungus in adults, there are many types of yeast infection.
It is very important for proper treatment for yeast infection as soon as possible. This is useful if you are aware of the signs and symptoms of yeast infection. In what follows we will examine some common forms of this infection and symptoms.
The first signs of a vaginal yeast infection are as follows.
- Intense itching
- The pain of the skin of the vulva or in the vicinity
- Relief of the area, gray or white, you may smell and look of cottage cheese
Any or all of this may be a sign that you have a yeast infection. There are counter products that can be used to treat this infection, but if the problem persists, consult a doctor.
Thrush (oral yeast infection)
In infants, the most common form of candida yeast infection. It develops in the mouth of the newborn through the use of antibiotics to the mother before birth. The characters are:
- Thick deposits looking white or cream in your mouth / throat
- Patches can be easily lifted
- Redness around the white spots
Adults can also suffer from canker as the underlying cause is usually a state of immunosuppression. In adults, the lesions may be painful and burning. All treatments for this type of yeast infection is by prescription.
Sometimes men yeast infections from sexual contact with an infected woman. The yeast can travel up the urethra during sex, causing an infection are exposed. Symptoms include:
- Itching
- Red spots on or around the head
- Relief
The men, which is a fungal infection on the penis much suffering the same symptoms that a woman with the same problem to be.
Systemic fungal infections
In rare cases, Candida in the body and spread to a systemic yeast infection. This disease usually occurs only in people weakened immune systems, such as HIV / AIDS or someone who has undergone treatment for cancer. However, yeast infections and untreated severe use of antibiotics may also be guilty. This is a serious situation and should be treated promptly by a physician. Some common symptoms are:
- Diarrhea
- Swelling
- Gas
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Frequent pain in the abdomen, especially after eating
These symptoms are usually chronic and mimic other diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome.
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