Yeast infections are the second most common type of vaginal infection (bacterial vaginosis is the most common). Just over 70% of women develop at least one yeast infection during their lifetime. About 40% of women have repeated episodes of infection.
The yeast grows naturally in the vagina, rectum and mouth. Therefore, the presence of yeast is not usually a problem and in fact is ignored. However, the natural chemical balance of the body you want to keep yeast levels within a healthy range may be out of balance. If this happens, the bad, like yeast, the organisms grow in abundance in the body, which is a relief to know viscous.
Fungal infections are caused mainly by a chemical imbalance in the body., Is the set of natural yeast in the human body can tolerate more than the body safely. The most common causes of this imbalance are:
The use of oral contraceptives
Treatments for infection using antibiotics
Good weather makes excessive sweating in the vaginal area, which in turn promotes the growth of fungi
Unventilated clothing that traps heat and humidity, and excessive sweating causes
Higher than normal levels of stress
Repeat traffic for a short period of time
A weakened immune system (including HIV)
Higher than normal intake of carbohydrates, refined sugar and especially alcoholic beverages
Other common causes of yeast infection are irritants like dust, detergents and soaps, which come into direct contact with skin
Symptoms may include:
Complaints relating to sex
The irritation in the vagina
Itching in the vagina
A thick, white curd-like vaginal discharge
Swelling, redness or cracking of the skin around the vagina
A burning sensation during urination is felt particularly
Men can get yeast infections. Most men are infected by unprotected sex with a partner who has the infection. Without treatment, the couple re-infection.