The yeast infection is an infection caused by a type of yeast known as Candida fungus like. Small amounts of Candida organisms in the form of minutes are normally in our bodies all the time, but we have a rule to prevent the proper balance of bacteria in that it consists of multiplying too much. Sometimes doing this will start to grow fungus, and this can cause an infection. Anyone living with HIV and AIDS is particularly susceptible to fungal infections.
50 of the 75% of all women have a vaginal yeast infection (commonly known as thrush) during their lifetime. If the level of acidity in the vagina does, then too much yeast growth can cause a vaginal yeast infection. This decline could be due to diabetes, pregnancy, immune deficiency, poor diet or certain medications such as antibiotics and anti-birth control pills. There is itching and irritation in the vagina and the swelling and redness of the vulva. There may be a thick, white cheese-like discharge home from the vagina and a burning sensation when urinating or during intercourse, and a general feeling of discomfort. Sometimes the symptoms can be mild and clear up on their own or heavy at other times, the treatment.
Oral thrush is where small lesions appear in the mouth and tongue. White spots or cottage cheese like lumps on the tongue. Oral thrush is often caused by a weakened immune system, so that the young and the elderly are at risk.
Yeast infections occur in the nails and in many cases, those who suffer from this work either with water or have to wash their hands frequently. The nail in May very brittle and white with a yellow color or when there is moisture trapped in the nail plate, it can be a deep green color. The lower portion of the nail, just below the epidermis, may swell and become painful. If not treated the case, yeast infections eventually destroy the nail.
Yeast infections in the skin folds of both men and women, especially if they are diabetic or obese. Where there is an excess of skin, so that the fold of skin is warm and humid, a yeast infection of the skin can hold a. The infection is a light pink red (almost like a red color), and there may have patches sometimes weeping rash with fluid.
Penile yeast infections occur on the penis with pain and severe irritation and itching at the tip of the penis. It is a white, clumpy discharge with redness and small blisters. This yeast infection by other medical conditions, poor hygiene, antibiotics, or sexual intercourse with a woman, the vaginal fungus.
Yeast infections can be dangerous if left untreated - the candida and bacteria associated with them into the bloodstream, from where there may have found their way into other parts of the body to sore joints, chest pain, sinus problems and worse .
Amoils offers all natural treatments for common diseases and conditions with essential oils. Visit our page for more information fungal infections.