Yeast infection is also called candidiasis, Candida albicans after, which is responsible for the largest portion of all yeast infections. Three out of four women at least once in your life this very unpleasant disease. It is estimated that half of all 25-year-old women had had at least one vaginal infection.
Three quarters of all women suffer at least once in their life in a vaginal yeast, most times even more.
Signs of infection with Candida albicans, itching, burning and discharge are thicker flakes. This fungus is the cause for 80% of all yeast infections. Besides lactic acid bacteria and some other bacteria and yeast, Candida is part of the normal vaginal flora. Lactic acid bacteria provide acidic pH between 3.5 and 4.5, prevents the excessive growth of yeast, particularly Candida. The amount of lactic acid bacteria is regulated by estrogens and many other factors.
It is wrong to believe that vaginal yeast infection would be transmitted sexually. One can not infect at seaside resorts or in a bathtub. Although Candida likes warm and moist environment, so the fungal infection is often done after the pool or sauna, not because we have been infected, but because of the excessive growth of fungi, or candida living on our bodies for a long time.
To avoid such inconvenience, you can do many things. Therefore you must not miss the same swim. Lightweight ventilated non-synthetic clothing, regular drying and wiping wet feet, is also required between the toes. Especially careful you have to dry off their body parts, which are revealed at least like. in the groin. Excessive use of heavily scented soaps, baths and showers can quickly lead to an outbreak of fungus. So after the shower to dry out well! Fungal infections are spreading rapidly in debilitated immune from.
Factor, for the last time very common fungal infections, nutrition is a large proportion of carbohydrates and poorly controlled blood sugar. Candidiasis may also, by using broad-spectrum antibiotics such as penicillin erupt. Also kills the good lactobacilli, the pH drops to the skin and then the Candida can spread easily. Women are far more susceptible to candidiasis because the lactobacilli are under control of estrogens. Therefore, fungal infections in women taking oral contraceptives or hormone replacement tablets are taking, far more frequently.
The treatment is usually simple and effective. The preferred form of the so-called antifungals (miconazole, fluconazole, Klotrimazol) is such that it can act locally in the vagina. These are vaginal cream or vaginal suppository. The symptoms usually disappear in 1 to 2 days, but the treatment should last for a few days more, because of relapse. Because such infections are not sexually transmitted, the partners are not treated. Unless, that also has symptoms of a fungal infection (itching, redness and tiny white dots on the penis).
With the right diet, we can avoid fungal infections elegant. Even avoiding alcohol, smoking, caffeine and excessive intake of carbohydrates contributes much to prevention. In our daily diet should not be missing vegetables, citrus fruits. The effect of Candida avoid whey, green tea, garlic and onions. At most you should take fermented milk products (yogurt, sour milk), because they keep useful lactic acid bacteria. This positive influence not only on the digestion, but also help maintain normal vaginal flora to. Major trigger in otherwise healthy women is also everyday stress, which applies also to avoid because of other complaints.